Green Opal: Unveiling the Heart’s Healing Energies

What Is Green Opal?

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Green opals consist of hydrated amorphous silica, represented by their chemical formula SiO2·nH2O. While they share a comparable chemical composition with minerals like quartz, their internal structure is more disorganized. Nickel, particularly in prase opals, is often part of their formation process, contributing to their characteristic green tint.

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  • Variety of Shades: These opals showcase a range of hues, including rich emerald greens, mellow yellowish tones, and mature chartreuse shades.
  • Resemblance to Jade: Some of these opals exhibit a subtle jade hue, resembling the appearance of cut and polished jade when used in jewelry.
  • Prized Gemstone: This Opal is highly valued for its vibrant green coloration and diverse range of green hues, from translucent light tones to opaque dark shades.
  • Composition: The gemstone primarily consists of silicon dioxide, also known as silica, which crystallizes over millions of years within underground cavities or voids in rocks.
  • Formation: During the formation process, impurities such as iron oxide or nickel oxide contribute to the opal’s distinct color variations, adding depth and character to the gemstone.


Legends and Origins of Opal:

  • Opal appears in numerous lapidary texts, highlighting its significance in gemstone lore.
  • Legends often focus on Precious Opals, renowned for their internal play of colors, while Tumbled Opals, termed Common Opals, have a flat color.
  • The name “Opal” likely stems from the Sanskrit word “upala,” translating to “precious stone,” or possibly from Ops, a Roman Earth Goddess linked with fertility and harvest.

Historical Significance:

  • At one point, Opals surpassed Diamonds and Rubies in value, as noted by Pliny the Elder in his work, detailing an enormous Opal owned by Roman Senator Nonius.
  • Nonius defied Marc Antony’s demand for the Opal, fleeing with only the gemstone, leaving his possessions behind.

Opal Discovery and Mining:

  • The majority of Opals originate from Australia’s outback, with Coober Pedy hailed as the “Opal Capital of the World.”
  • In 1915, Willie Hutchinson, at 14, stumbled upon Opals while searching for gold in the Stuart Mountain range, triggering an Opal Rush.
  • The designation “Stuart Range Opal Field” was eventually replaced with “kupa piti,” an Aboriginal term honoring Willie Hutchinson, which evolved into Coober Pedy.
  • Willie’s tragic death in 1920 while swimming led to the town’s name transition, with locals attributing “Coober Pedy” to “white man in a hole.”

Varieties of Opals:

  • Australia yields Precious these Opals, seen in white or black Opals exhibiting green iridescence, notably from Lightning Ridge.
  • Precious Green Opals also hail from Ethiopia, adding diversity to Opal production globally.


Green Opal -

Etymology of this Opal:

  • The term “green opal” originates from the Sanskrit word “Upala” and the Latin word “Opalus.”
  • “Upala” means “precious stone,” while the Latin term refers to “seeing a color change.”

Composition and Color:

  • This opal is a type of common opal, often characterized by its dark green color, though lighter shades exist.
  • It is formed through a combination of common opal and nontronite, contributing to its beautiful hue.

Global Distribution:

  • These opals are found worldwide, with notable occurrences in Mexico, the USA, Brazil, Peru, and Australia.
  • These regions are renowned for their deposits of green opal stones.

Metaphysical Properties:

  • This opal possesses strong grounding energy, aiding in cleansing and purifying the aura.
  • It aligns the chakras and is believed to be a stone of good fortune, attracting abundance and prosperity.
  • The stone is especially useful for attracting financial abundance and fostering emotional connections with healthy relationships.

Crystal Healing Properties:

  • This opal is often used in conjunction with other crystals to heal negative emotions and establish deep emotional bonds with friends and family.
  • Its metaphysical properties make it a valuable tool for emotional and spiritual growth.
NameGreen Opal
CompositionHydrated silica mineral with varying amounts of water content.
ColorPredominantly green, ranging from pale to deep emerald shades.
LusterWaxy to vitreous
TransparencyTranslucent to opaque
Hardness5.5 to 6.5 on the Mohs scale
Crystal SystemAmorphous
FractureConchoidal to uneven
Specific Gravity1.9 – 2.3
OccurrenceFound in various locations worldwide, often associated with volcanic deposits and sedimentary rocks. Significant sources include Australia, Mexico, Peru, and the United States.
UsesJewelry: This Opal is occasionally used in jewelry, typically as cabochons, beads, or inlay stones.
Decorative Use: Used in ornamental items and carvings, particularly in regions where it is abundant.
Care TipsThis Opal is relatively soft and porous, making it susceptible to scratches and damage from chemicals. Clean with a soft cloth and mild soap, avoiding exposure to harsh chemicals and extreme temperatures.
Spiritual BeliefsThis Opal is believed to have soothing and healing properties, promoting emotional balance and inner peace. It is associated with the heart chakra and is thought to enhance compassion and love.
NoteThese Opal’s soft green hues and natural patterns make it a unique and attractive gemstone. While not as commonly used in jewelry as other opal varieties, it is treasured for its calming energy and serene appearance.



This Opal is a captivating gemstone known for its soft green color and believed metaphysical properties, including emotional healing and inner peace. It is valued for its beauty and spiritual significance.

Benefits And Properties:

You can benefit from this opal by wearing it or keeping it close by. It is a stunning stone. Here are a few of the most well-liked applications for green opal.

Physical Properties:

  1. Healthy Eating Habits:
    • This Opal is recommended for individuals exploring healthy eating habits.
    • It assists in choosing foods that nourish and energize the body, promoting overall well-being.
  2. Listening to Body Signals:
    • Encourages individuals to pay attention to what makes them feel good and energized.
    • Prompts mindfulness about food choices and their impact on physical health.
  3. Moderation and Balance:
    • Reminds individuals not to go to extremes but to maintain balance in their lifestyle choices.
    • Advocates for sensible care and listening to the body’s wisdom.
  4. Promotion of Calmness:
    • Helpful for those experiencing insomnia or troubled by bad dreams.
    • Encourages emotional and physical calmness, fostering a sense of tranquility.
  5. Encouragement of Good Habits:
    • Inspires the development of positive habits and self-care practices.
    • Serves as a gentle reminder to prioritize self-care and well-being.
  6. Talisman for the Immune System:
    • Acts as a protective talisman for the immune system, especially during cold and flu seasons.
    • Supports the body’s natural defenses and resilience against illnesses.
  7. Overall Well-being:
    • This Opal aids individuals in taking care of themselves, both in sickness and in health.
    • Promotes holistic wellness by addressing physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.

Physical Benefits:

Although you should never use crystal healing in place of professional medical care, this opal supports the body’s innate ability to heal a variety of physical conditions you may be facing. Among the most prevalent problems it addresses are the following:

Health AspectBenefits of Opal
Female HealthEases transitional phases of puberty and menopause, regulates hormones, relieves mood swings and symptoms like hot flashes and night sweats
Digestive SystemEases symptoms of diarrhea, nausea, and other digestive issues, especially helpful in treating stomach flu
MusclesRelieves pain in muscles and joints, particularly helpful in treating arthritis and gout
HeadacheEases occasional or chronic headaches and migraines
Immune SystemBoosts the immune system, especially helpful in treating colds and flu
DetoxificationAids in detoxifying the body, especially the liver; helpful in treating alcoholism, drug addiction, and other forms of addiction

These benefits suggest that this opal may have a range of positive effects on various aspects of health and wellness. However, it’s important to note that while gemstones like green opal may have anecdotal or traditional uses in holistic healing practices, scientific evidence supporting their efficacy for specific health claims is often limited or lacking. Always consult with a healthcare professional for medical advice and treatment.

Emotional Properties:

Green Opal -
  1. Lightening the Heart:
    • This Opal lightens the heart and infuses us with relaxed and sensual energy.
    • Its soothing vibration aids in emotional recovery, especially after stressful situations.
  2. Renewal of Emotional Reserves:
    • Assists in replenishing emotional reserves and restoring optimal emotional balance.
    • Helps individuals return to a state of emotional readiness and stability.
  3. Liberation from Negative Emotions:
    • This Opal liberates individuals from feelings of fear, shame, and guilt.
    • Facilitates the exploration of self-love and nurtures the understanding that self-care strengthens our ability to care for others.
  4. Exploration of Self-Love:
    • Encourages individuals to prioritize self-love and nourishment of the heart.
    • Reminds us that nurturing ourselves makes us stronger and better equipped to care for others and the world around us.
  5. Enhancement of Romantic Relationships:
    • In romantic relationships, Green Opal amplifies desire and sensuality.
    • Teaches the art of seduction while promoting loyalty and faithfulness in relationships.
  6. Inspiration for Personal Growth:
    • Inspires personal growth and development through emotional healing and self-discovery.
    • Encourages individuals to embrace their true selves and cultivate deeper connections with others.

Emotional Benefits:

The fact that this opal helps you feel more balanced after trauma or heartbreak is one of this stone’s most significant benefits. It can aid in reducing stress, anxiety, depression, and other symptoms. Some of the most typical emotional problems that this opal can assist with are listed below:

AspectBenefits of Opal
GriefEases the pain of grieving, especially in cases of sudden death or suicide
RelationshipsHelps in toxic relationship situations, particularly in cases of infidelity or divorce
Self-ConfidenceBoosts self-confidence and self-love, restores carefree nature
AnxietyEases anxiety and stress, calms the mind by clearing negative emotions
DepressionHelps alleviate symptoms of depression, especially in cases of seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
PTSDEases symptoms of PTSD, particularly helpful in cases of sexual assault or violence

While this opal may have anecdotal or traditional uses for emotional healing, it’s important to approach such claims with caution. The effectiveness of gemstones like green opal for emotional and mental health support is not scientifically proven, and they should not replace professional mental health treatment. Individuals experiencing emotional distress or mental health issues should seek support from qualified healthcare professionals.

Mental Properties:

  1. Amplification of Discernment:
    • This Opal enhances discernment, aiding in the sorting of complex information and identifying areas requiring attention.
    • Facilitates better judgment in assessing people and situations, enabling individuals to invest energy wisely in pursuits aligned with their Highest Good.
  2. Attraction of Positive Relationships:
    • Attracts good friends and supportive business partners into one’s life.
    • Encourages individuals to cultivate relationships that contribute positively to personal and professional growth.
  3. Encouragement of Wise Decision-Making:
    • Stimulates wise decision-making, particularly in financial matters.
    • Helps individuals make informed choices that align with their long-term goals and aspirations.
  4. Enhancement of Business Relationships:
    • When placed in an office or workplace environment, this Opal fosters improved business relationships.
    • Contributes to a more harmonious and productive work atmosphere, facilitating effective communication and collaboration among colleagues.
  5. Creation of a Positive Work Environment:
    • Contributes to the creation of a pleasant and supportive work environment conducive to achieving goals and objectives.
    • Enhances overall efficiency and satisfaction in completing tasks and projects.

Metaphysical Properties:

This opal has therapeutic qualities in addition to the following metaphysical ones. Below are a handful of them:

AspectBenefits of Opal
Spiritual DevelopmentConnects with spiritual guides, enhances psychic abilities
Past LifeAids in recalling past lives, particularly helpful for resolving unresolved issues from previous lifetimes
FocusIncreases inner strength, aids in maintaining balance during difficult times
Good FortuneAttracts abundance into life, especially helpful in overcoming financial difficulties
JoyCultivates a positive outlook on life, helps appreciate the present moment more, brings joy during difficult times

While this opal may hold symbolic or metaphysical significance in spiritual practices, it’s essential to approach its use with discernment and to complement any spiritual practices with grounded self-care and professional guidance when needed.


Heart Chakra (Anahata)

chakra for Green Opal -

The heart chakra, Anahata, plays a crucial role in emotional healing, interpersonal relationships, and spiritual development, fostering love, joy, and connection within oneself and with others.

Center for Unconditional LoveFocal point for experiencing and expressing unconditional love towards oneself and others. Cultivates compassion, empathy, and kindness in relationships.
Facilitates Emotional HealingHealing center for processing and releasing emotional wounds and traumas. Fosters inner peace, emotional balance, and forgiveness towards oneself and others.
Source of Joy and ConnectionActivation brings forth joy, contentment, and fulfillment. Enhances connection with oneself, others, and the universe, fostering unity and belonging.
Bridges Upper and Lower ChakrasActs as a bridge between lower (root, sacral, solar plexus) and upper chakras (throat, third eye, crown). Harmonizes physical and spiritual energies for holistic well-being.
Strengthens RelationshipsEnhances quality of relationships, fostering deeper connections, understanding, mutual respect, and emotional intimacy in personal and professional interactions.
Perception of Beauty and OpportunityHeightens perception of beauty, abundance, and opportunity. Increases clarity, optimism, and gratitude, finding joy and fulfillment in everyday experiences.

Zodiac Connection:

These opal’s connection with astrology suggests that it can complement the natural traits and tendencies of Libra, Pisces, and Cancer signs, providing them with energies that support their emotional well-being and personal growth.

Zodiac Sign Opal’s Influence
LibraPromotes balance and harmony in relationships. Boosts diplomatic abilities.
PiscesEnhances intuition and psychic abilities, aiding in navigating emotions effectively.
CancerAlleviates stress and promotes emotional healing. Soothing properties benefit Cancer individuals.

Meditation and Grounding:

Benefits of Meditating with this Opal:

Green Opal -
  1. Eases Negative Emotions: Meditating with this opal can help alleviate anxiety, depression, stress, and other negative emotions. It promotes a sense of calm and mental clarity, making it beneficial for managing conditions like PTSD and depression.
  2. Clears Negative Thoughts: This opal has the ability to calm the mind and clear away negative thoughts. Through meditation, it can help you let go of mental clutter and achieve a more peaceful state of mind.
  3. Boosts Confidence and Self-Esteem: Regular meditation with this opal can boost your confidence and self-esteem. By fostering a sense of inner peace and clarity, it empowers you to overcome challenges and believe in yourself.
  4. Grounding: One of the key benefits of meditating with this opal is its grounding effect. It helps to anchor you to the present moment and provides a sense of stability and focus. This grounding quality is particularly beneficial for individuals who feel scattered or uncentered.

Meditation Technique with this Opal:

PreparationFind a quiet and comfortable space. Sit or lie down in a relaxed position.
Hold the Green OpalHold this opal in your non-dominant hand, allowing its energy to flow into your body.
Deep BreathingClose your eyes and take several deep breaths. Inhale deeply through your nose, exhaling slowly through your mouth.
Focus on the OpalDirect attention to the green opal, visualizing it glowing with bright, white light.
VisualizationImagine light from the opal entering your body through the crown chakra. See it flowing down, cleansing and purifying your mind, body, and spirit.
GroundingVisualize the energy of the opal grounding you to the earth, fostering a deep connection to the present moment and stability.
AffirmationsOptionally, incorporate positive affirmations related to confidence, inner peace, or grounding into your practice.
ConcludeSlowly open your eyes, acknowledging the grounding sensation. Express gratitude for the experience before resuming your day.

This meditation with this opal aims to align the mind, body, and spirit while fostering a sense of grounding, inner peace, and connection to the present moment.

Crystal Combinations:

  1. Opal and Rose Quartz:
    • Effect: Creates a powerful heart-healing combination.
    • Benefits: Attracts love, soothes emotions, and heals old wounds.
  2. Opal and Aventurine:
    • Effect: Forms a potent Earth-healing combination.
    • Benefits: Cleanses and purifies the aura, aligns the chakras, and promotes grounding.
  3. Opal and Black Tourmaline:
    • Effect: Establishes a protective combination.
    • Benefits: Shields the aura from negative energy, dispels negativity, and enhances meditation practices.
  4. Opal and Rhodonite:
    • Effect: Creates a compassionate combination.
    • Benefits: Eases anxiety, calms the mind, and fosters self-love and compassion.
  5. Opal and Amazonite:
    • Effect: Forms a stress-relieving and communication-enhancing combination.
    • Benefits: Calms the mind, eases stress, and encourages honest self-expression.
  6. Opal and Galena:
    • Effect: Establishes a combination for easing worry and stress.
    • Benefits: Promotes relaxation, tranquility, and inner peace.
  7. Opal and Green Calcite:
    • Effect: Creates a combination for emotional healing.
    • Benefits: Soothes the heart, eases anxiety, and calms the mind.
  8. Opal and Hematite:
    • Effect: Establishes a grounding and concentration-promoting combination.
    • Benefits: Grounds energy, boosts focus, enhances mental clarity, and reduces anxiety and stress.
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These crystal combinations harness the unique properties of this opal and its synergistic effects with other crystals to promote emotional healing, grounding, stress relief, and communication enhancement.


Australian Origin Dominance:

  • Approximately 90% of the Opals available in the market originate from Australia, making it the primary source of Opals globally.
  • Australia’s opal fields, particularly in regions like Coober Pedy and Lightning Ridge, yield a significant variety of Opals, including Precious Opals and Common Opals.

Global Distribution of Green Opals:

BulgariaThese Opals found in Bulgaria contribute to the global variety of this gemstone.
Czech RepublicThe Czech Republic hosts deposits of these Opals, adding to the international distribution of this gemstone.
EthiopiaEthiopia is known for its production of these Opals, offering a unique source for this gemstone.
FranceFrance is another country where these Opals are found, contributing to the global availability of this gemstone.
MadagascarMadagascar is renowned for its diverse gemstone deposits, including these Opals, enriching the global market.
NamibiaNamibia is home to deposits of these Opals, providing another source for this gemstone on the international scale.
New ZealandThese Opals can also be found in New Zealand, contributing to the country’s gemstone diversity.
PeruPeru is known for its opal deposits, including these Opals, which are sought after in the global market.
PortugalPortugal hosts deposits of these Opals, adding to the variety of sources for this gemstone worldwide.
SlovakiaSlovakia is another country where these Opals can be found, expanding the global distribution of this gemstone.
SpainSpain boasts deposits of these Opals, offering another location where this gemstone can be sourced.
United StatesIn addition to Australia, the United States is a notable source of these Opals, contributing to its global distribution.

These countries collectively contribute to the global availability and variety of these opals, offering diverse sources for this gemstone.

  • Varied Geological Settings:
    • These Opals occur in diverse geological settings, ranging from volcanic regions to sedimentary deposits.
    • Each location contributes to the unique characteristics and color variations observed in these Opals.
  • International Opal Markets:
    • Countries like Ethiopia and Peru have emerged as significant contributors to the global Opal market, offering unique varieties of these Opals alongside other Opal types.
    • The availability of Opals from multiple countries provides consumers with a wide selection of options in terms of color, quality, and price range.

Factors Affecting Value and Cost of Green Opal:

  1. Color: The color of a opal can significantly impact its value. Vibrant and saturated green hues are generally more desirable and valuable compared to dull or pale colors.
  2. Clarity: Clarity refers to the transparency and absence of inclusions within the opal. Stones with clear, transparent bodies are typically more valuable than those with visible inclusions or fractures.
  3. Play-of-Color: The play-of-color, which refers to the iridescent flashes of color seen within the opal, is a crucial factor in determining its value. Opals with bright, intense, and well-defined play-of-color patterns command higher prices.
  4. Size and Carat Weight: Larger opals are rarer and thus command higher prices per carat compared to smaller stones. However, the overall quality and intensity of color also play a significant role in determining value.
  5. Origin: The geographical origin of a opal can influence its value. Opals from renowned mining locations may be more sought after and command higher prices due to their reputation for producing high-quality stones.
  6. Treatment: Some opals may undergo treatments to enhance their color or stability. Untreated, natural opals are generally more valuable than treated ones, although certain treatments, when disclosed, may not significantly detract from value.
  7. Cut and Shape: The cut and shape of a opal can affect its beauty and overall value. Well-cut stones that maximize play-of-color and exhibit attractive proportions are more desirable and may command higher prices.
  8. Market Demand: Market demand and trends can influence the value of these opals. Increased demand for certain colors, sizes, or origins may drive up prices in the market.
  9. Certification and Documentation: These opals accompanied by reputable gemological certifications and documentation confirming their quality and authenticity may be perceived as more valuable and trustworthy by buyers.

By considering these factors and educating oneself through comprehensive buying guides and understanding opal valuation principles, buyers can make informed decisions when purchasing opals. It’s advisable to consult with experienced gemologists or reputable dealers to ensure the authenticity and quality of the stones being considered for purchase.

How to Identify This Opal?

Green Opal -
Milky LusterThese opals may display a slight milky luster just beneath the surface, typical of common opal.
This characteristic distinguishes these opals from similar-looking stones like quartz.
While not always present, the milky luster is a common trait of these opals.
Avoid Banded PatternsGenuine these opals typically do not exhibit banded or unusually patterned surfaces.
Look for stones with small organic-looking speckles or webbing, rather than horizontal stripes like those found in chrysolite.
Conduct a Scratch TestOpals are generally softer than many other stones.
Performing a scratch test can help determine the stone’s softness.
If the stone scratches easily, it may indicate that it is a softer material, characteristic of opals.

These characteristics and tests can help identify genuine these opals and distinguish them from other similar-looking stones.

How To Charge and Clean?

The first thing you should do when your opal arrives at your house is charge and clean it. Whether your stones are polished or unpolished, they have probably experienced a lot before arriving at your house. To keep your stones in good working order, you should also charge and clean them frequently (at least once or twice a month).

Running Water Method:

SubmergeSubmerge the stone in running water for about a minute.
Ideal SourcesNatural springs are ideal, but faucets or fountains work as well.
DryDry the stone with a soft cloth after removing it from the water.

Smudging Method:

Light SageLight bundled or loose sage with a match and blow out the flame.
Wave Through SmokeWave the stone through the smoke for 30 to 60 seconds to clear negative energies.
Open WindowOpen a window to allow negative energies to leave the space.
Safety MeasuresUse a fire-safe bowl or plate for safety.

Sunlight Method:

PlacementPlace the stone outside or on a windowsill to absorb sunlight.
DurationRemove the stone after an hour or two to prevent discoloration.
CautionSunlight can quickly charge crystals, but be cautious of overexposure.

Full Moon Method:

PlacementPlace the crystals on a windowsill or another spot where they can absorb the light.
DurationLeave the stones overnight to absorb the moon’s vibrations.
RemovalRemove the stones before the sun rises to prevent potential discoloration.

Charging Grid Method:

PlacementCreate a charging grid with several stones aligned with a specific intention.
IntentionsAlign the stones with a specific intention for charging.

These methods effectively cleanse and charge crystals, removing negative energies and enhancing their natural properties. It’s important to choose a method that resonates with you and your crystals, ensuring they remain energetically balanced and aligned.


This opal emerges as a versatile gemstone renowned for its myriad uses and properties. From fostering emotional healing to enhancing spiritual growth, its gentle yet potent energies offer profound benefits to those who embrace its presence. As a symbol of balance and renewal, this opal invites us to explore the depths of our inner selves and find solace in its radiant embrace. As we journey through life, may the tranquil energies of opal guide us towards a path of harmony, authenticity, and profound inner peace.


  1. What are the primary uses of green opal?
    • This opal is primarily used for emotional healing, spiritual development, and promoting balance and harmony in one’s life.
  2. How does green opal aid in emotional healing?
    • This opal is believed to soothe emotional wounds, promote inner peace, and enhance feelings of compassion and empathy towards oneself and others.
  3. Can green opal help with spiritual development?
    • Yes, this opal is often associated with enhancing spiritual growth, increasing intuition, and fostering a deeper connection with the spiritual realm.
  4. Are there any specific properties associated with green opal?
    • This opal is known for its ability to promote emotional balance, encourage self-love and acceptance, and stimulate creativity and inspiration.
  5. How should I use this opal for meditation?
    • You can hold this opal during meditation to enhance its calming and grounding energies, visualize its soothing light permeating your body, or place it on specific chakras for alignment and balance.
  6. Where can I find green opal?
    • This opal can be sourced from various countries worldwide, including Australia, Ethiopia, Madagascar, and the United States, among others.
  7. How can I care for my green opal jewelry?
    • To care for this opal jewelry, avoid exposure to harsh chemicals, extreme temperatures, and direct sunlight. Clean gently using a soft cloth and store in a protective jewelry box when not in use.

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